A practical handbook for identifying homophobia
When queer people speak of how homophobia scuttles their lives at best and threatens or ends it at worse most everyone rolls their eyes...
Let's flip it and twist it, because we can!
We have stories to tell, let's get to it.
I started Trans-It by Ado Aminu to tell stories - human stories. Stories of love and joy. Stories of grief and overcoming. Stories of BEING. For myself - a black nonbinary person of Hausa Muslim background from the ancient and proud city of Kano, Nigeria. For every human being with a story to tell - cisgender heterosexual as well as queer, especially queer people, queer Nigerians. LGBT+ Nigerians. Let's get to it!
Want to learn more about what Trans-It by Ado Aminu can do for you? Feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you as quickly as this blessed fingers can type!
Lagos, Nigeria