“No buts, no locks or fences, nobody left outside.” Eloghosa Osunde
An ancient story no one ever told before now goes:
One day a boy, tittering on the tip of pleasure's limits - at that darkest, unspoken interstice of fantasy where a child snaps into adulthood and you can fuck them, asks the God he had always worshipped, "What is the point of all this? Why are we here?"
This boy's God is an angry malignant Being. They had watched bored as millions of wrists were chopped off in their name, vaginas mutilated to soothe the egos of penis havers who know they will never be adequate and seek to punish the Vagina havers of yore, now and futurity.
This boy's God was also a listening ear in the dead of night that will hear his begging prayers, "Release me from this body, please!"
The boy will later grow to know his flesh and it will swallow his old God up whole. His new God becomes a pantheon of entities and he didn't know it. His malignant God of old, it turns out, was running the errand of bringing him to divinity for all the Gods. Gods do that sometimes. It is their greatest offering, until now.
When this boy's God died from absorption in a hostile takeover of an inert god’s shift* the boy stands before the Godsource and seeks the same answer. Having survived divine malice - which is this boy’s offering even though he didn’t know it, the Godsource had no choice but to answer. To unlatch the doors of heaven and grant him his high place among the pantheon as Gods manifest, because a body said it must be so. A body the boy must unveil. That body is the answer.
He receives a thundering rumble in response to his eternal query, ``What is the meaning of human existence?”
"WOMAN,” the Godsource thunders.
To be a woman then is to encapsulate the will of the divine. To honour womanhood is to honour the very meaning of human existence. To have a thing for women - whether you are gay, straight, bi, pansexual or whatever iteration of human sexuality - is to experience the divine order of things, to wrest the power others seek to hold over you from their grabbing hands and stand above their malice. The Gods knew this long before humanity formed their first memory of being.
The boy, now a non-binary being, is here to remind you. I am here to remind you.
*Excerpt from VAGABONDS! by Eloghosa Osunde.
Ado Aminu Aminu is a nonbinary writer of human curiosities. When not reading, writing or venting about how the patriarchy continues to ruin everything, you will find him daydreaming about his next cup of Hibiscus tea. You can follow him on Twitter - @Pettymuse, for rants and bants.